About Us

VashMatch is a free online service that links VASH voucher holders with investors willing to purchase and rehabilitate properties to accommodate veterans and revitalize communities. We hope VashMatch provides you with more housing options and the ability to live where you want to call home.

Mission Statement

Our mission is to connect Veteran Affairs Supportive Housing (VASH) voucher holders with investors dedicated to ending veteran homelessness. By investing in and renovating housing to meet the specific needs and preferred locations of veterans, we aim to provide them with a place they can proudly call home, while also revitalizing and uplifting underserved communities.


VashMatch.com was founded in 2025 by a veteran to help veterans

This service provides….

This service is the first of its kind in the nation. And we encourage more private investors to join us in doing our part to help end veteran homelessness.
For additional information, please e-mail info@vashmatch.com

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